
Postmodern Pluralism

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Postmodern Pluralism and its Effect on Truth and Reconciliation Art: Going Home Star
In 2008, the government created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, hereafter referred to as TRC, committed to the tasks of discovering the truth about Canada’s Indian Residential Schools, revealing this truth to all Canadians, and attempting to reconcile the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians. One of the ways the TRC suggested to facilitate this reconciliation process is through the creative arts. Indeed, in the last few years, Canada has seen a host of artistic projects launched which seek to heal and reconcile this relationship, these projects will hereafter be referred to as ‘reconciliation art’. One of the most prominent …show more content…

Postmodern composers do not value one culture or tradition over another. They draw upon many cultural sources respectfully to create the affect they desire. Prior to the postmodern era, composers valued the Western musical traditions over all other traditions. Any references to other cultures were cursory and closer to cultural imperialism than any form of respectful representation. Composers like Debussy and Mahler would “graft superficial aspects of one culture onto the essentially unchanged music of another.” By contrast, postmodern composers find value in the musical tradition itself, and therefore seek to represent it as accurately as possible alongside the other cultures. In Going Home Star this pluralism of culture is seen in the respectful combination of Western music, Inuit throat singing, and Northern Cree music. Hatzis revealed in an interview that he achieved this respectful representation of the two Indigenous art forms by spending three days in a studio with Tanya Tagaq, an Inuit throat singer and Steve Wood, the leader of the Northern Cree Singers. It was during these three days that much of the Aboriginal material was created. Furthermore, according to Hatzis, “there was a lot of vetting with the sources, artists and elders. We made sure we weren’t stepping on any kind of ground we weren’t supposed to tread on.” Going Home Star displays postmodern cultural …show more content…

In addition to representing different cultural traditions, postmodernism tends to combine and present both “classical and vernacular traditions,” within a culture (classical in the colloquial sense, not just music belonging to the classical era). In doing so, it sets itself up as anti-elitist, as it does not distinguish between ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture in the same way modern music did. Postmodernism is, at its core, a rejection of modernist traits; therefore since modernism was only for an elite few, postmodernism aims to reach out and appeal to a larger audience. Going Home Star explores many different genres of music throughout the piece. Take, for example, the opening sequence. In the first twenty minutes, we hear influences from “big band music, dubstep, hip-hop, Swan Lake and anything in between.” Swan Lake is an example of ‘classical’ music while big band, dubstep, and hip-hop are all forms of vernacular music. This notion of anti-elitism was very important to Hatzis when composing Going Home Star, because he wanted any audience member to be able to connect with the music, even if they aren’t trained in classical music. His main consideration was to not “alienate our native population.” Reconciliation art must fight against elitism in order to not alienate any audience members. Anti-elitism, through pluralism of genre, is another element of

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