
Postpartum Depression Case Study Essay

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Sadly, scenarios such as this with the hypothetical couple, Charlotte and Chandler, are all too familiar. After reading and reviewing this writing of the hypothetical couple, the likelihood that this baby is to become another statistic is very elevated. The unhealthy behaviors of the parents-to-be increase the risk of birth defect and even death for this baby. This baby is most likely an unplanned pregnancy for this young and unprepared couple. Charlotte and baby are most likely limited on decent healthcare because they reside in rural Mississippi. Since this young couple has been together for such a short period of time, their relationship risks not surviving. They are unsure if they want to marry. Charlotte would most likely fall in the forty …show more content…

If the baby survives to birth, the chances of a strong parent-infant bond are less likely to form. Postpartum depression is likely for Charlotte. Chandler’s role as a father is not very promising as he does nothing to help make sure Charlotte is staying healthy or managing stress. In fact, Chandler’s job increases their stress. Charlotte stays angry that he is gone for long hours for work and she is lonely, therefore, Chandler avoids the situation by not going …show more content…

They will have to “grow up” and step up to their responsibilities. Compromise and communication are key in a relationship. Had they been responsible and practiced abstinence or safe sex, they would not be in the situation they are in. Now there is a baby on the way that cannot defend itself and the parents-to-be need to do whatever it takes to make sure their baby gets the very best within their means. It is vital that parents form a strong bond with their baby even before they are born. These bonds will teach emotional stability and build up to a confident

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