We are required to obtain a license before you get married and driving a motor vehicle, yet we aren’t required a license to become parents. Should people have to obtain a license to become parents? Is it really safe to leave an infant or 2-4 year old left with a possibly aggressive or inexperienced parent? Children aren’t very safe left alone with an inexperienced parent , ESPECIALLY if they are single or by themselves. People should have to get a license for several reasons: Abuse, most people are poorly prepared, and some people (like teens or some adults) influence their kids . Not just with drug or alcohol , but just their personality can greatly influence them. Abuse is very common if the child is unwanted or the single mother/father …show more content…
It is the capacity to have an effect on a character, development, or behavior of someone or something. Parents have great influence on their child or children. If the adult or parent is a heavy drug or alcohol user, or the adults behavior is highly violent, the child may grow up to end up as their parent. Mothers under the age of 18 are said to be more abusive or violent. “The age of the child's mother has also been shown to influence the child's risks for mistreatment. Younger mothers have statistically higher rates of child abuse than mature moms. Lack of economic resources, the stress of single parenting, social isolation, and a dearth of emotional support are factors which contribute to the higher rate of abuse among young parents” (Deboorah). Including as the child does not get abused to actual death, the child may grow up to be an influence as an …show more content…
If the mother usually leaves the child with the father , the father is also illy prepared. Also, including first time parents are very unprepared as well. If the child is acting poorly , the mother,father,or parents may not know the difference between punishment or maltreatment (abuse). “The vagueness of abuse definitions, the authors contend, results in the failed fulfillment of laws, inconsistent case outcomes, and the risk of incorrectly identifying or dismissing findings of maltreatment”(Doriane, Kenneth,and Sarah). Not only with maltreatment, but say, the parents don't have very much money by the time they find out they are going to have a baby. The mother (or father or parents) may stress out as to what they might be getting the baby to sleep in, the bottles, baby gates, strollers, or high chairs. The mother (if she is single) may get stressed out and stressing out the mother will hurt the baby causing the baby to miscarry. I definitely agree people should have to get a license to become parents ,IF it was absolutely possible. However, if you end up pregnant, what is the government or CPA (child protection agency) going to make you do? They can’t make you abort the baby, because churches would constantly be out at abortion clinic fighting for mothers to not abort their babies. Also, the parents may want to keep their baby, even if they are not a completely great parent.
Today, obtaining a license is necessary for a many activities including: driving, hunting, fishing, scuba diving, teaching, and practicing medicine, to name a few. In recent debate, licensing another aspect in our lives has arisen: parenting. Although incompetent parents exist, the need for a license to parent is an unethical and unconstitutional requirement that is impossible to regulate both before and after the birth of the child.
Having a licensing system seems to be persecuting someone before the time. For instance, unpredictable things happen all the time, whether someone is not fully ready for a baby, once the child is born some people change their regular bad habits and become responsible, conscientious, and reliable. It’s a complete transformation for majority of parents. Good parenting simply does not just happen; it requires love, work, education and dedication. An irresponsible person before expecting can be the most reckless person, but once he/she knows that they are expecting the burden is on their shoulders and it pushes one to bear
Parental Licensing Should a couple have to acquire a parental license to have a child and become parents? Becoming a parent is something every one should be allowed to do with out a license but they should take into account their situation and if they are even ready to have a child. In the memoir, The Glass Castle, wrote by Jeannette Walls has gave many examples on why parents should have a license.
This could be avoided by examining the other alternatives for unwanted babies, such as: parenting, interim foster care or adoption. Parenting is a challenging option but a tremendously rewarding experience; it could turn out better than how a person expected it. Interim foster care is a secure environment with parents who are skilled at caring for babies and provide a loving and nurturing home for a newborn infant. Ultimately, mothers in these situations usually choose adoption because they believe it is best for their children. They acknowledge that adoption is not rejection or abandonment, but rather a caring, responsible act. It shows the mother’s love since she does not have the proper support for the child, therefore she allows the child to reach their full potential on earth while growing up as strong and independent adults with another
"Physical consequences such as damage to a child's growing brain, can have psychological implications, such as cognitive delay or emotional difficulties." () "The cognitive effects of abuse range from attentional problems and learning disorders to serve organic brain syndromes. Behaviorally, the consequences of abuse range from poor peer relations all the way to extraordinary violent behaviors. Thus, the consequences of abuse and neglect affect the victims themselves and the society in which they live. (Nap.edu) Parents think they don't do damages as long as there is no violence. False, children can suffer from low self esteem, anger issues, trust issues and many more. Is easy to destroy and change an infant's behavior and mind. According to nap.edu "the scientific study of child maltreatment and its consequences is in its infancy." But that is not the only thing that can cause issues, "maltreatment often occurs in the presence of multiple problems within a family or social environment, including poverty, violence, substance abuse and unemployment.
“The relationship between mothers and infants is critical for child development. For whatever reason, in some cases, that relationship doesn’t develop normally. Neglect and abuse can result, with devastating effects on a child’s development” (Strathearn, 2008)
There are many people in the world who for some reason do have have the ability to have children. This does not mean they should not be a parent or that they cannot be a parent. Many of these families consider being foster parents or even adopting children so they can experience parenthood. Not everyone is meant to be a foster parents, although it is relatively easy to become a foster
However, keeping the child would mean having the responsibility to properly take care of another human life. If it is YOUR child, it is YOUR liability. Not being able to provide that sort of stability would be risking a child’s happy and healthy future. In one study, unwanted children were less likely to have a secure family leading to higher chances of participation in criminal acts and lower self-esteem. Do you think it is right to withhold a woman’s wishes to potentially save their child from
How would most people feel if the United States enforced laws about having kids? If we as a society don’t change either how we live or the laws involving children, we will have generations of people using Uncle Sam as a crutch. The rate of births among women ages 15 to 44 increased by 1% from 2013 to 2014, the first increase since 2007, which might be a trend that if we don’t fix this problem soon so many more might grow up that way. One in five children receives food stamps or some kind of aid so says the census bureau. Mandatory laws on having children should be enforced in the United States because of the high amount of government supported children, and the number of questionable parent(s).
There are many reasons and scenarios to why people may have difficulties in raising a child. Financial reasons may be one of the major reasons people consider abortions or adoptions. It cost a fairly decent amount of money to raise a child and provide for it. In some tragic cases women decide to have an abortion or an adoption due to rape. In such a case it is almost conceivable to consider that as being an exception. Premarital relations and teenage pregnancies are other reasons as to why one would choose either of these alternatives. No teenager wants to be a parent or be forced to grow up while they are still in their youth. In today’s society, the
The Safe Haven Laws for newborns is an alternative to leaving infants in unsafe places. Not all women who get pregnant are ready to raise a child and sometimes they see no options except to abandon the baby. Safe havens provide a new option; it allows a birth parent to leave a newborn infant (less than 72 hours old) with a medical worker in a hospital, a medical worker at a fire department or other emergency service organization, or peace officer at a law enforcement agency. If the infant is left with a person at one of these places, and has not been abused, the parent will face no legal consequences for making this choice. When a parent cannot care for an
Spending a few days with the newborn, doesn’t give adequate time for the mother to structure any type of connection with the child. The first months of the baby’s life are essential for its progress. In the later years when it’s time for the mother to come home, she and the child are strangers. Not having developed that bond at an early age causes the child to be unfamiliar with its own mother, which leads to long term sentimental and conduct issues.
This article discusses specifically child abuse that leads to generational abuse. It says “Studies have shown over and over again that children who grow up being violently beaten by their caregivers repeat the abusive behavior toward their own children”.
If a young mother feels overwhelmed by the responsibility of child rearing, she may neglect the child, or worse cause harm to the baby. Some causes of dropping a child it also for not having a good economic state and they could not cover the physical need for their child like food clothes and medical attention. Safe haven laws provide parents who are incapable of bringing up a child in a safe manner the chance to relinquish the responsibility of being a caretaker without fear of recrimination. It also provides the child with a safe place and the chance to get placed in a home with loving, responsible
Family situations in which both parents are under mass amounts of stress and must work tediously to make ends meet are often inclined to have victims of child abuse in the home. Often because of troubled times economically parents reach a breaking point and enforce their anger onto his or her child, beating them physically. In many cases, parents take “teaching their child a lesson” to very high extremes, using the act of discipline to mask an act of physical child abuse. While many parents abuse under stress and frustration, some are too young or immature to handle the responsibilities of a child; not containing the capacity or patience to care for a young one often ends in abuse. As seen there many cases in which guardians cannot handle the tasks of parenthood, leading to acts of abuse. Whereas, there are also many cases in which parents suffer from disorders, increasing the probability of child abuse in a home.