
Postsecondary: Transition Into Adulthood

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Transition into adulthood; Building a résumé The entrance into adulthood is unavoidable for everybody, which can be intimidating for majority because, “the real world” that people have been preaching about is finally upon you. The people that talk about the how awful the world can be, are attempting to prepare you for what is over the horizon, but instead, you just want life to remain the same as is. Denial is the first stage of Kübler-Ross stages of loss and grief, so it is common for most to not listen to elders about life. Only you will know what life is through your own experiences hence, everyone will have a different transition into adulthood. Transitions into adulthood can differ from a collection of options: Postsecondary prep, self- determination, money management skills or building a work résumé. Once the …show more content…

The realizion of doing corues like walking the dog or babysitting is not the desired income for your wants and needs is enough to transition anyone into adulthood. Building a résumé is the first step into adulthood because of all of my accomplishments or events, this marked my transition into adulthood within my culture, community and family. At the age of thirteen, I began high school at David Suzuki Secondary school, in September 2012. With only a diploma from middle school, high school was intimidating for my peers and I. Luckily, David Suzuki was a new school, only being open for its second year, there were not any grade twelve’s yet to be worried about. The only problem left to worry about was making new friends with the students at the school.

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