
Potato Cell Osmosis Lab

Decent Essays

Cells are the basic unit of living organisms(Marieb& Hoehn.2010.61p.) they are capable of produce their own energy as well as reproduce, grow and especialize to perform different function throughout the body. In orden for the cells to work efficiently, a known stable environment must be maintained, such as homeostasis; this balance is achieved because the selective cell membrane that allows the transport of some substances into or out of the cell. The cell membrane plays an important role in the cell not only protects and keep the cell in a homeostatic balance but, also allows it to communicate with the environment.
The cell membrane is selective due to the double layer of membrane phospholipids. The way the molecules pass through …show more content…

In this experiment is expecting to see the changes in the cell structure when they are exposed to different environments. In this case, using the different solution with high, low and normal concentration of solutes. The 0.85% would produce an isotonic environment where the cell would not changed it is shape and form. The deionized water solution would produced an increase in shape of the cell since the hypotonic environment would rush water into the cell and finally, the hypertonic environments would be produced by the 10% NaCl that would rush water out and shrink the cell …show more content…

Water would rush out of the red blood cell, the red blood cell to shrink. When the red blood cells were placed in deionize water, this water contains no solutes and it is very dilute there was a higher concentration of solutes inside the red blood cell or present in the intracellular fluid. The water existing in the extracellular fluid had a lower concentration of solutes as distilled water does not contain any solutes; distilled water is pure. The water rushed into the cell, causing it to swell. The red blood cells were in an isotonic solution of 0.85% NaCl; the concentration of solutes in the extracellular fluid (NaCl) and the concentration of solutes in

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