
Poverty And Its Effects On Poverty

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Poverty is a remarkably persistent problematic social challenge within the United States that has far-reaching implications. The magnitude and perplexity of poverty and its instigates are a massive predicament of both ethical and economic concern that has many proportions, which demands the country’s immediate attention.
Poverty is an idiom that is generally used to describe a condition or state in which a person or society lacks the monetary resources and necessities to enjoy a minimum basic quality of life and safety that are considered acceptable in society (Merriam-Webster). It is commonly divided into two segments absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is a condition characterized by severe deprivation. It general terms it means not having enough for a basic level of well-being, (i.e. nutritious food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and other necessities). Relative poverty is a condition in which people have enough to survive compared to most other people in their culture, but they appear deprived. People living in either absolute poverty or relative poverty can feel powerless. They may feel unable to change their situation. That in turn can affect their sense of dignity and self-esteem (Kowalski, p. 12, 2003).
Today, millions of Americans from all walks of life and social classes are presently living in poverty or are teetering dangerously close to the poverty threshold, which is absolutely mind blowing and deplorable, for one of the wealthiest

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