
Poverty And Poverty

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Poverty is a widespread social issue known throughout the world. It is defined by its three different types: biological, relative, and official. The first of the three, also known as absolute poverty, refers to a person’s inability to have his or her biological needs such as food and shelter. The second type compares living standards to conclude “that some are better or worse off than others.” The third refers to the income level at which a person can receive welfare. Unfortunately, the United States is known to have one the highest rates in the world due to social inequalities. Poverty rates are known to be related to a person’s social location. A person living in a more southern state in more likely to experience it than someone in the north. Moreover, minorities are two to three times more likely to suffer from its affects. Likewise, children and the elderly, along with a rising number of women, are more affected than others. Furthermore, these groups are more likely to live in lower standard houses, have poorer educations, have less job opportunities, and are less likely to receive justice for crimes. They are forced to stay in these situations in which they have to pay for housing they can barely afford, while they send their kids to schools that are unable to provide adequate education due to the communities’ low property rates. This can especially be seen in the PBS documentary Poverty, Politics, and Profit: The Housing Project. The Frontline documentary Poverty,

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