
Poverty In Poverty

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The first major factor is socioeconomic status, as “household income is the greatest determinant of living standards” (Keshavjee & Farmer, 2014, p. 64). Poverty might be considered the most prominent, where lower socioeconomic status is a debilitating factor in food accessibility and basic services (Navaneetham, Dharmalingam, & Caselli, 2008, p. 2). Despite the overall income transition in recent years and improved and upward trends in economic growth, undernutrition persists due to the larger societal policy changes that occurred in 1991. As previously mentioned, one possible explanation for this is that the inequalities or gaps in both access to food and socioeconomic classes are increasing despite the overall upward trend in growth, and that it is the precise discrepancies in the distribution of wealth that leads to malnourishment. It seems to most commonly be the case that either families are too poor to provide sufficient food for their family, or due to the rapid globalization, the food that they can afford consists of cheap, energy-dense yet nutrient-deficient food as they are constrained in food options (Caballero, 2005). This, in part, lends itself to causing obesity in mothers who gain weight from the calories, yet underweight children, as the proper essentials with which to grow are not being provided (Averett & Wang, 2016). Finally, economic status has many downstream effects besides just the affordability of healthy food; mothers or families residing in

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