
Poverty In The Medical Field

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Millions of people are deprived of attaining proper medical care and endure the challenges that poverty throws at them. Every person in the world is on a different social status in society, thus some people faces challenges that others may not. Some of these challenges are expensive medication, inability to attain medical care, resulting in bad treatment towards patients. One of the many challenges that people face when being in poverty is the expense of health care.
Not being able to access the proper medication or care can make a person develop worse health issues, which can lead to the poor to pay more. When a person goes to a doctor you go in and the doctor gives you a check-up. After you get a check-up the doctor usually follows up …show more content…

"I'm ducking and dodging, to tell you the truth," says Richard Garth of his outstanding medical bills. "They're going to catch up with me at some point. We're going to have to make some changes"” (Beard). This quote means that when a person in poverty doesn’t pay for the proper medication the consequences are not only that the a person’s health will deteriorate over time, but it also means that when the situation becomes fatal the person will need to go to the emergency room to be treated and later need to pay for all the bills that are slowly building up. If Richard Garth would have payed for the medication when he first needed it his condition would have never worsened and wouldn’t have to take drastic measures like having to go to the emergency room to get treated and lead to him to pay more in the end. Although, some people may say that all a person that is in need of medication needs to do is apply for some type of insurance plan to help them out. However, what those people don’t know is that sometimes insurance plans have requirements and deadlines that half of the time people in poverty can not meet. …show more content…

Medicaid is a federal system of health insurance for people who require financial assistance. A person would think that a person in poverty has many resources to support themselves, but in reality those resources can only help to some extent. For example, as it states in this article, “The nation's health care system is often likened to a balloon: squeeze one part of it and another portion expands. This is true in Medicaid as well. Eliminate dental care for adult patients, for instance, and you may wind up treating them for malnutrition or reducing their chances of finding a job that might take them off of Medicaid. Reduce the number of asthmatics who receive preventive treatment through Medicaid, and the same people may wind up in the emergency room for a far more expensive bill" (Adams). This mens and helps explain the real problem of having the help of health insurance; which is that even if a person does attain health insurance it only helps a person to some extent and in some cases it only helps to pay some amount of the bill that is needed to be payed. This matters, because at some point the bill will build up to the point where a person will eventually become overwhelmed with the

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