
Power And Control In Night By Elie Wiesal

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Power is the possession of control, authority, or influence over others, one having such power puts them in control, and to be in control is the power to influence or direct people's behavior. How does power and control affect the characters in the novel? In the novels Night by Elie Wiesal and 1984 by George Orwell, power and control is shown by the superiors towards the subordinates, by comparing and the themes of loss of humanity, fear, and self preservation. In both novels it is clear to see that power and control affects the way the characters act and think. In both novels the characters displayed how power and control strongly affected them, and showed signs of loss of humanity. This was shown in Night when the soldiers tossed bread towards …show more content…

“One day when we had come to a stop, a worker took a piece of bread out of his bag and threw it into a wagon. There was a stampede. Dozens of starving men fought desperately over a few crumbs. The worker watched the spectacle with great interest” (100 Wielsal). The german men threw some bread into the train, and was amused by the men who were fighting one another to death, just for some crumbs of bread. One of the boys killed his own father for a piece of the bread, then ended up getting killed himself by another man for the same piece of bread. The german workers were so interested and entertained by it, that it encouraged them to continue throwing bread at them.This relates to the theme loss of humanity because it shows how much the environment the men were in was causing them to change and become dehumanized. They were treated like they were animals and their circumstances caused them to act like it. This connects back to the thesis because it showed that the germans felt in control of the men, they purposely treated them like that for their own entertainment, knowing how they would react. The men did not realize how they were being treated because they were too caught up in fighting one another, which showed the control they had over them. In 1984 the theme, loss of humanity, was also shown

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