
'Power Of Habit And The Effort Effect'

Decent Essays

Kaisy Plasencia
Nov.23, 2016


Thousands of parents worldwide would love to know how to get your kids to pick up their toys after using them. As a parent, there is lots of bad advice out there about ways to make your kids pick up after themselves. But if you want to succeed in teaching your kids how to pick up after themselves, it’s important to find strategies that are proven by research. In these two texts, “The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and “The Effort Effect by Marina Krakovsky they describe the work of psychologist Carol Dweck, and also offers strongly supported advice for how to get your kids to pick up after themselves. According to Duhigg, he explains this thing called a habit loop. The habit loop is a nerve based loop that leads and controls any habit. In the habit loop it consists of three elements which are a cue, routine and reward. A cue is a trigger for a behavior to start. A routine is the behavior itself. Then the award is the benefit of taking that nerve of action. On a similar note, Krakovsky suggests that it’s all based on the mindset of the child. Whether if they have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. As a parent, I can use the ideas from Duhigg and Dweck to help my kids by applying a cue, routine and reward. My goals as a …show more content…

“ (Pg.34) Duhigg is using the running your tongue across your teeth as a cue for people to do it. I can use this idea with my kids by saying like a random word to indicate that it’s time to clean up. Hypothetically speaking, Say as if we agreed on the word “magic” then that’s their indication for them to clean up. So by hearing this word they will automatically think “oh! Mommy says it’s time to clean up.” which results in a routine between me and them. And when they do clean up they receive a reward like a cookie, candy, or extra TV time before

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