
Power Of Words In The Book Theif Markus Zusak

Decent Essays

The Power of Words Words have the capability to save a life, but they also have the power to end one. Language, specifically words, have very powerful means. Words are considered the most effective way to communicate. They shape our emotions, lifestyle, decisions, culture, and more. Words have the ability to connect people, outlast, and influence opinions. Opinions and thoughts are often determined by words. Mohammed Qahtani, 2015 World Champion of Toastmasters, provides an example of this. In his speech, Mohammed said, “Do you know that the leading cause of lung cancer? Is not actually a cigarette, it's your DNA. You could smoke for years and nothing would ever happen to you. This whole war against smoking is just to restrict the farming of tobacco. Mr. Contest Chair, fellow …show more content…

with a group of friends and the results five of them believe what I said, two of them started smoking” (Qahtani). Almost everyone knows that smoking has terrible health effects, yet Mohammed was able to change people's minds about the idea of smoking, just by telling them it has no effect. This shows how easily words can modify human’s judgment. Another example of words shaping people’s thoughts is in The Book Thief Markus Zusak writes, “Yes the Fuhrer decided that he would rule the world without words. ‘I will never fire a gun!’ he devised. ‘I will not have to’” (Zusak 445). This quote truly shows how influential words can be, Hitler was able to get thousands of followers with his words. He used words in such a way, he convinced many people to do horrible things, he even started a war, all with his words. Qahtani presents another example of words influencing people when he talks about his friend, Nassar. Nassar had drug overdosed

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