
Power of Propaganda

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In George Orwell’s 1984, lies, cover-ups and false information control the thinking of the citizens of Oceania. The Party uses propaganda as the deadliest and most efficient method of control. Propaganda increases the citizens’ morale and makes them believe that no matter what they are told, the Party is always right. There are two main types of propaganda; changing the truth, doublethink, and another by creating fear within citizens. “Doublespeak” is a major aspect of everyday life in Oceania. The Party’s central slogans are “WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” is a good example (Orwell 4). The idea of the slogans is to convince the citizens that what they want is what they already possess. “War is peace”, it is a false sense of peace that citizens are led to believe that they are living peacefully in comparison to the warzone in Africa. Secondly, “freedom is slavery”, if a person has freedom, they becomes a slave to their own desires. Lastly, “Ignorance is strength” means if citizens are oblivious to the Party’s secrets and activities within Oceania, they will not rebel. This ignorance strengthens the Party’s power and total control over citizens. The slogan changes truth and makes the citizens believe that anything they want other than what their government wants can only make them unhappy. Therefore, no citizen will consider rebelling, as they believe the Party’s way of governing is the best and only way. “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU”, another core

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