
Pr Report Sample

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PER REPORTER: Krissa said about a week ago her daughter (Dixie) disclosed to her and Elizabeth while they were giving her a bath that her pawpaw (Don Sr.) had been sexually molesting her. Krissa said she then told the child’s father but he was not sure the child had actually told Krissa and her mother (Elizabeth) that her pawpaw touched her. However, Krissa said last night while the child was in the bath tub she was touching her private part, and he asked her if anyone had ever touched her private part and she said pawpaw and pointed to the front room. Krissa said the child’s father then believed her and told her to call and make a report about the allegations. However, Krissa said a reporter has already been made in regards to the sexual abuse allegations as while as the family’s living …show more content…

have instilled in the child. Krissa said the only reason Dixie lives with Don Sr. is because he currently has temporary custody of the child. She also mentioned that Don Sr. makes Dixie sleep in the bed with him, and she said last night while the child was in the bed with Don Sr. he kept trying to hold the child. However, she said Dixie kept slapping his arm off of her because she did not want him touching her. Krissa said there were no witnesses around whenever Don Sr. touched Dixie. She also mentioned that Dixie has been displaying sexual behaviors due to the allegations such as, touching her private part. Krissa also mentioned that when DHS went to Don Sr.’s home they made him fix it up inorder to keep the child, and she said he did every thing except for getting the mold out of the closet in his room. She said the mold is located in the closet in his room where his hot water tank is located, and she said all he did was painted over the mold instead of cleaning it. Krissa said she is concerned about Dixie being around her pawpaw due to the allegations and the things he teaches her about black

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