
Practice Makes Perfect Gladwell Summary

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he subject of this chapter was that perfection can only be found after 10,000 hours of intense practice. There is no other way around it; this chapter really worked around the saying “practice makes perfect.” Gladwell made this clear to the reader by pulling examples from all different sorts of trade professionals: computer programmers, composers, chess player, musicians and billionaires. These people were fortunate enough to get life-changing opportunities that acted as the perfect platforms of practice that lead to the path of success. In my opinion, Gladwell was reaching out to young adults that are figuring out their futures. This chapter was very motivating and could change the perspective of people that are stepping towards their future careers. Gladwell explains how that all experts only reach that level of expertise by having practiced this many hours. This opens the eyes of young adults that are about to move forward in their careers, …show more content…

Alluding to well-known people like the Beatles, he achieves the message he is trying to portray. His usage of allusions intensifies the claim he is making in this chapter. Gladwell states, “Achievement is talent plus preparation”(38). He incorporated this throughout the chapter, especially through the life of Bill Joy. Gladwell also lists the top seventy-five billionaires; these are also allusions the reader can personally connect with. When looking at the Americans on that list, the reader sees that they were born between the years 1831 and 1840. During that nine year span, we see that the wealthiest people from our own country rose to their respectable ranks. This piece of evidence ties in with the first chapter. Talent isn’t the only thing that defines success. How one acts upon it, their passion, the work they put in and the opportunities they receive all come into play when concerning their chances of becoming

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