
Prayer Is The Most Essential Of Spiritual Growth

Decent Essays

One of the most difficult questions a Christian is often asked is where they are in their spiritual journey. Celebration of Discipline helps us understand the important aspects that help deepen our faith. Foster writes that there are three categories of disciplines me must learn: inward, outward, and corporate. Each category has four subcategories. I believe that prayer, service, and worship are the most essential in spiritual growth. The first category Foster writes about is inward discipline. Inward discipline is an act that other believes cannot measure. Inward disciplines are personal to your relationship with God. The four types of inward disciplines are meditation, prayer, fasting, and study. Although they are all important, I think that prayer is the most beneficial. The discipline of prayer brings us into the deepest work of the human spirit (Page 33). Prayer is the key to God transforming us. As we learn to pray, we learn that our will eventually molds to His will. I have been hearing a lot of messages lately about the Lord’s Prayer. When we say “Thy will be done” we are not asking God to give us what we want, we are asking God to transform what we want to become what He wants. Prayer is something that we should center our daily lives around. When we begin to prayer God meets us where we are, no matter how far along we are in our journey. God uses prayer to push us deeper into who He is. Sometimes prayer can be frustrating because we do not feel like our prayers

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