
Pre Study Arrangements : A Research Protocol

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METHOD: Pre-study arrangements: A research protocol was formulated and submitted in the form of the LSHTM research CARE form. As the data for this analysis was from secondary data sources, the project did not require ethical approval to be carried out. Approach to economic evaluation: A health services perspective was adopted for this analysis as is recommended by previous guidelines (40). Adopting a societal perspective can be challenging, and there is debate and difficulties around what to include as part of this as well of ways of costing all elements of treatment and care, especially from a patient and carers perspective. We assumed that there would be no changes to the other preventative strategies in place, like cervical screening …show more content…

Details for Modeling used: A previously validated PRIME model, that had been developed as a Microsoft excel based model, to estimate the health and economic effect of vaccination of girls against HPV before sexual debut, was used for this analysis (38). The effect of the 9-valent vaccine was modeled in terms of reduction in age-dependent incidence of cervical cancer and mortality in direct proportion to vaccine efficacy against HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58, vaccine coverage, and HPV type distribution globally, compared to both the bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines. Global Projections for 179 countries – Data to populate the model: Population data: Data was gathered for the different parameters needed to populate the PRIME model in order to run a cost-effectiveness analysis. Different global datasets and literature searches were utilized in order to get the most up to date estimates for the different parameters needed to run the model. UN population estimates were available for 179 countries, and these estimates were used to populate the model with the 12-year old female population levels that would be eligible for HPV vaccinations in each of these countries (41). These figures were calculated from the data for population estimates for the 10-14-year old female age group in each country (medium fertility variant), and dividing this figure by five in order to reach an estimate for the 12-year-old female population.

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