
Predict The Future

Decent Essays

‘The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.’ This is what I really believe in but if I were to predict a day about 8 years into future, taking my flamboyant views into account, I would foretell it this way.
It’s 5:30 in the morning and I finally found my alarm clock hiding under the study table, the most sought place by it to help me get out of the bed. Next, my washroom mirror- an architectural display glass gave me a glimpse of the world’s happenings and obviously my day’s schedule. Then my shower detected my dry scalp and recommended me to go for an apt shampoo. I straightaway headed for the kitchen and cooked myself breakfast according to what the body scanner told my nutrition requirement was. Although, I have my …show more content…

On reaching my apartment, I got an immediate conference lined up with a client in New Jersey to check and inspect their products which required my mandatory presence and so I took the tube train – an innovation which reduces miles of distance to just a few minutes’ journey. Certainly these inventions have saved time manifolds.
So finally I got home and was immediately scanned as stressed by the scanner which suggested me to go for some yoga exercise, although exhausted but I still make it a point to follow these advices and adhere to them strictly so as to avoid any kind of ailment. I finished them and after an hour made a video call to my parents. It is good to be linked to your roots no matter how successful a person becomes. After catching up with all my household chores I finally went to the bed wondering about what all the science and engineering has made possible today is because of the research based knowledge and experience that we have gained by our teachers at every level of the education system and my parents who have been a constant source of motivation all these times. Thinking all this I fell asleep in a perfect setting of the bedroom according to my requirements.
The life today is no less than that of any sci-fi movie which was only an imagination for a few. But as it is rightly said that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’- this is the sole reason that the life in 2017 is far different than that in 1990 and these

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