
Prehensile Tail Analysis

Decent Essays

In primates, Cebidae [xyz-xyz] and Atelidae [xyz-xyz] show prehensility. As opposed to closely related Atelidae that have a relatively longer prehensile tail that is richly innervated with dermatoglyphs and Meissner’s corpuscles, Cebidae have a semi-prehensile tail that is short and fully haired with no dermatoglyphs or Meissner’s corpuscles [xyz]. Prehensility is associated with an interesting motor coordination and control problem: an individual has to coordinate and control its semi-/prehensile tail with respect to its four limbs that the tail may completely or only partially substitute. For example, when using its tail a capuchin monkey assumes postures including: (a) tail-hanging (body hanging on the tail) (Figure 1A), (b) tail-anchored

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