
Prejudice And Racism's Death-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

The fight was not my fault. Mostly. It happened in P.E. We had class outdoors, enjoying the last few days of summer weather. I was standing on the football field watching the rest of the team race. Half of them had another player on their shoulders. Other students sat on the bleachers and under the shade of nearby trees. It was the last class of the day, and the coach let us chill out. Somewhere in the bleachers, a girl started shouting. She was shaking a boy half her size by the collar of his shirt. There was a small circle of people around them. The coach was too far off to see, and too busy shouting into his earpiece. I jogged over when I saw who the girl was. It was Amelia, but Amelia never did anything like this. Amelia had caused

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