
Preparing for Power Essay

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Preparing for Power

Attending Sophia University is a path to my future goal. As I dream to become an entrepreneur, I choose to study at Sophia University, where I believe it to be an elite school. Sophia University is one of the well-known schools in entire Japan and I know many high school students hope to get into my university. Elite schools are providing sophisticated education and leading students to better jobs and better future. Not only the results tells that many students are offered good jobs but also the diploma of Sophia University is highly evaluated because graduates build trust from achieving honor in many ways attracts people. In terms of cultural capital, what effects and influences do all students get through the …show more content…

Cultural capital is transmitted through school curriculum and various kinds of opportunities provided to students by school. In the case of Sophia University, cultural capital is mainly transmitted by all courses offered, club activities, volunteers and seminaries. Throughout your years of university education, students are influenced by school color, beliefs, thoughts and values and thus, creating their own identity, tastes and preferences. According to Cookson and Persell, the difference between a public school and private school is similar to the difference between a factory and a club. In the case of high school education, their argument may applies to high schools in Japan; however, when it comes to University, either going to a public university or a private university does not make such difference in terms of education itself. Every university differentiate themselves from others with their own tradition, beliefs, well equipped laboratory, specialized field of study, and famous professors. For example, Sophia University is a Christian university and known for its linguistic courses while Keio University is not religious related, but known for their business course curriculum and medical courses. Applicants choose which school to apply based on characteristic of school, what they want to pursue in study field as if people decide which private school or boarding

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