
Prescription Drug Abuse

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Prescription drug abuse has reached epidemic proportions. President Trump has deemed the United States addiction to prescription opiates a national crisis (Dye). Recent estimates suggest nearly two percent of Americans have at one time abused prescription medication. Prescription drug addiction results in families torn apart, many lives destroyed, and in too many cases, death. Some people think that by solely focusing on prescription drug abuse, physicians may steer clear from prescribing necessary medications for patients who need them. This thinking could not be further from the truth. Physicians’ focus on responsibly prescribing opioids is changing, and as scary as it seems, many physicians wrestle with how they can prescribe certain medications so that their patients are relieved of pain without becoming addicted to that drug. It is a perplexing problem for our country’s physicians. With over 2.6 million people addicted to opioids, including heroin, fentanyl, and oxycodone, the grim face of the nation’s opioid epidemic is a societal nightmare (Nolan). "Fatal opiate overdoses have now surpassed automobile accidents as the number one cause of accidental deaths in this country today" (Trump). Everyone is playing the blame game as to the epidemic's causes and solutions. The number one target is America’s physicians. Although they hold the keys to prescribing these prescriptions, this crisis by no means can be corrected solely by them. A multidisciplinary approach,

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