
Prescription Pain Medications Are Supposed To Improve The

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Prescription pain medications are supposed to improve the health and well-being of an individual. Oxycontin, an opioid drug, is meant to help people manage their pain symptoms; however, many people are unaware that there is a danger of abuse of receiving drugs prescribed by their physicians. The essays “How to Create an Addiction” and “Erin Daly: OxyWatchdog” by Cynthia Andrzejczyk explore the problem of prescription drugs in the United States. Since 1999, prescription drug epidemic in the United States has been killing 15,000 people every year from overdosing (Andrzejczyk 275). People have been losing their loved ones due to a culprit meant to help. The Pharma Purdue company who created the Oxycontin was responsible for starting the …show more content…

People were crushing the drug and inhaling or injecting it in their veins in order to induce euphoria (Andrzejczyk 272). As no education from their physicians was given saying Oxycontin can cause addiction, thousands of people have died from overdosing.
The prescription drug epidemic has claimed thousands of lives every year after the introduction of Oxycontin. In 2007, the Pharma Purdue admitted in federal court that Oxycontin was not a “safe drug” and has a potential for abuse, causing them a fine of 634 million dollars (Andrzejczyk 272). However, at the time, it was too late for the people who become addicted to Oxycontin or who died from overdosing. The prescription drug epidemic had been already well established across the country. People already saw or experienced the euphoria induced by prescription drug.
Erin Daly, the founder of Oxywatchdog website, blamed the Pharma Purdue for her brother’s death (Andrzejczyk 275). Her brother’s addiction started with the prescription drug and when 40 to 50 dollars per pill became too expensive, he turned to Heroin which was widely available on the street. It is an opioid drug, inducing the same euphoria as Oxycontin. The demand for heroin was fulfilled by the drug cartels of Mexico and South America, hence, the “second wave” of the prescription drug epidemic in the country (Andrzejczyk 273). The lost of thousands of lives might be prevented if Pharma Purdue warned the

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