
President Ronald Reagan And President Reagan

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Being president is a huge responsibility, and there are some who have done an excellent job. Then there are others who have made our economy, as well as our country, go down the drain. However, I have to hand it to President Ronald Wilson Reagan, because the time he was in office he really pumped the country up, and did a tremendous job running it as well as helping in every way he could. Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. Reagan passed away June 5, 2004, and was buried in Simi Valley, California. He graduated from Eureka College in 1932 with a “Bachelor 's of Arts degree in social science and economics.”Before Mr. Reagan was president he was also an actor, and performed in 53 different movies. He was of the Christian religion. President Ronald Reagan was the 40th president, and part of the Republican party. The First Lady was Nancy Reagan, and the Vice President was George H.W. Bush while Ronald Reagan was in office. They were successful with two terms together from 1981 until 1989. Obviously Reagan liked politics, and definitely caught his attention since that is what he graduated from college with. But, his political views really shifted from liberal to republican in the 1960’s while supporting Nixon in Nixon’s campaign in California against Pat Brown. Reagan did quite a few General Electric speeches for Nixon as well in his campaign. The result from these speeches was merely freedom is what the people got from these speeches.

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