My desired field of study is nursing, so the topic of interest I chose is the prevention of pressure ulcers (Bedsores) in hospitals. While I was going through the scholarly articles, it was a bit hard for me to find a topic that was connected specifically to nursing. After scrolling for a while I came up with this and found it to be incredibly interesting and important! Pressure ulcers affect more than 3 Million adults in today’s hospitals Most of the time pressure ulcers do not cause death, but rather a steady decline in health that can lead to other medical problems. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) says that the chance of getting a pressure ulcer in a hospital ranges from .4 to 38 percent, this is not good at all (Lyder,
Roles of the Registered Nurse (RN) are ever changing where it is key to continue to educate for the protection and well being of the patient. Pressure ulcers have become a main issue in healthcare in an attempt to lower cost as well as prevent further morbidities and complications for the patient. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) a pressure ulcer is defined as an area of skin that breaks down when something keeps rubbing or pressing against the skin. An increase in immobile and elderly patients has increased the risk for the development of pressure ulcers. The education and prevention of pressure ulcers should be implemented as a key goal for a nurse during the care of a patient.
According to Stockhausen & Conrick (2002), “Learning how to critique research articles is one of the fundamental skills of scholarship in any discipline” (p. 38). Burns & Grove (2011) found “An intellectual critical appraisal of a study involves a careful, complete examination of that study to judge its strengths, weaknesses, meaning, credibility, and significance for practice” (p. 419). The extent, amount and nature of publications accessible today by different means implies it has become crucial to prepare students and practitioners to judge the trustworthiness and helpfulness of published research (Stockhausen & Conrick, 2002, p. 38). The purpose of this report is critiquing a qualitative research article on pressure ulcers.
When receiving the informatory papers of the qualification to National Honors Society, I was nothing more than thrilled. The name and impact this organization has on our society leaves hope and happiness all around. I believe my acceptance would be a great choice in helping to advance the work we do in our school along with Huntingdon County.
A pressure ulcer is localized in some part of the skin that break down when it stays in a same position because is pressing the skin or rubbing with something for a long time. Pressure ulcers have symptoms but it depends on the category, first category looks redness at the skin and the skin is not yet broken, second starts to look pink, like a blister and break the skin, the third may have some parts badly damaged that look yellowish, and fourth in the ulcers can have dead skin can be dark color that can expand to the bone and requires surgery to move the damaged parts. A patient that suffer pressure ulcer describe the color of the ulcer, how feel around the area and if they have a little bit of pain. Some patients say that ulcer look horrible,
While nurses encounter patients with pressure ulcers in home care and acute care settings, they are mainly a problem with elderly adults in long term care facilities. This is because of decreased sensory perception, decreased activity and mobility, skin moisture from incontinence, poor nutritional intake, and friction and shear (Stotts and Gunningberg, 2007).
Pressure ulcer prevention program is an interdisciplinary quality improvement initiative. It is designed to assist nursing home
Pressure ulcers (decubiti) continue to be problematic in all health care settings. Most pressure ulcers can be prevented, and deterioration at Stage I can be halted". The use of clinical practice guidelines can effectively identify residents and define early intervention for prevention of pressure ulcers (2015).
Critically ill patients are at increased risk for pressure ulcers. Hospital -acquired Pressure ulcers are serious clinical complications and that can lead to increased length of stay, pain, infection and potentially death. Nurses have the primary role in the pressure ulcer prevention. The study assessed nurses’ perceptions of the usefulness and impact of a pressure ulcer prevention care bundle intervention on clinical practice. So it is imperative to understanding nurses’ assessments of interventions when interpreting results and translating evidence into practice.
Evidence based practice (EBP) gives nurses a method to use critical appraised data and scientific evidence that is proven to confirm the delivery of quality health care to a patient population. Pressure ulcer prevention continues to be a major and growing concern among todays patients and healthcare providers. This problem is a concern because prevention of pressure ulcers can be accomplished through good skincare techniques and increased education of nurses. The field of nursing along with the healthcare industry can benefit from simply decreased the
According to the textbook, nurses in various settings are adopting a research-based (or evidence-based) practice that incorporates research findings into their decisions and interaction with clients. How do you see this being applied in your workplace?
. Evidence-based practice (EBP) provides nurses with a method to use critically appraised and scientifically proven evidence for delivering quality health care to a specific population. The fundamentals of EBP are in research. Nursing research provides nurses with qualitative research findings to establish nursing practice based on scientific evidence. Researching and utilizing research findings and implementing them in nursing practice provides optimal patient outcomes. The practice of EBP includes multiple steps such as, formulating a well-built question, identifying
Pressure ulcers are the priority health issues that immobilized patients, their families and care givers are facing with high occurrence rate. It is no doubt very costly and imposes a great impact in health care delivery system because of the supplies needed to prevent further complications. Pressure ulcer is a localized injury to the skin and other underlying tissue, usually over a body prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear or friction, or both (Potter & Perry, 2010, p.1240). One of the intrinsic factors for pressure ulcer development is reduced or impaired mobility. Standard protocol for pressure ulcer prevention mainly the use of barrier cream, has been widely used since its existence. Although numerous
Many family members view the development of pressure ulcer (bedsore) us nurses fault, though it is associated with poor or nonexistent nursing care. The general condition of the patient is never put into consideration as the reason(s) for the development of pressure ulcers. Because of this, preventing pressure ulcers have been nursing priority/concern for many years now.
Throughout the history of healthcare, new techniques and advancements in medicine have been monumental in the fight against disease. However, despite the improvements in modern medicine there has been one challenge that has continued to persist like a thick thorn in the side of the healthcare profession. This hindrance in the face of modern medicine is known as a pressure ulcer. Pressure ulcers develop as a result of persistent pressure over a boney prominence from prolonged immobility or from a lack of movement (Cox & Rasmussen, pg., 15). Pressure ulcers take away not only billions of dollars from hospitals annually but also take away the well-being of hundreds of thousands of patients each year (White, pg. 554). Pressures ulcers do not discriminate
Pressure ulcer is a common geriatric syndrome seeing in patients suffering from acute and chronic illness. Pressure ulcers can be acquired while in the hospital, long term care facilities or in the home. Personal definition of Pressure ulcer is an injury to the skin and underlying tissue due unrelieved pressure and other factors, including by not exclusive to decreased tissue perfusion, excess moisture, and shear and friction. The NPUAP defines Pressure Ulcer as “injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and/friction” (NPUAP as cited in Stonelake, 2015, p. 2). Pressure ulcers can be regarded as negligence and poor nursing