
Preventing Chf Readmission Rates : A Multi Factorial Approach That Involves Careful Monitoring And Patient Participation

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Discussion Preventing CHF readmission rates is a multi-factorial approach that involves careful monitoring and patient participation. Providers can decrease CHF readmission rates through evidence-based practice and extensive patient education. The first step in preventing CHF readmission rates is recognizing those at higher risk for readmission. The studies reviewed demonstrated that certain physiological and socio-economical factors are indicators for higher risk of readmission rates. Diabetes, number of hospital visits, and the dosage of diuretics have been shown to be indicators of readmission (Cubbon et al, 2014). Lab values such as BNP and creatinine can be used to assess severity of disease and therefore risk for readmission (Feola et al, 2011). Factors such as age, race, gender, physical health, low socioeconomic status, lack of support systems, and severity of disease have shown to affect hospital readmission rates (Bos-Towen et al, 2015). Early detection for increasing severity of disease process can lead to early intervention and management. Being able to recognize indicators for readmission is the first step in a multi-step approach for managing patients with CHF. The second step in managing patients with CHF is using evidence-based treatment options. Beta-blockers have proven to be effective at increasing left ventricular function; however, the majority of patients are not receiving adequate dosages of the medication. According to Driscoll et al

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