
Pride In The Song Of Achilles

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As we go about our life, we gain many accomplishments and will feel good about it, that is positive pride. But when we close ourselves off and do not accept other opinions and won't take appropriate action, that is when it is negative pride and it becomes hurtful. In The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller the pride held by individuals in the story becomes very damaging to the people around them. Through the destructive nature of pride it causes Achilles, Thetis, Patroclus and many others to suffer.

In ancient Greece, all men are called to arms when Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped. Being the son of a goddess and the desire for glory and honor, Achilles joins the fight, as his companion, Patroclus follows. To convince Achilles to join, Odysseus fuels his desire by saying “ What is more heroic than to fight for the honor of the most beautiful woman in the world, against the mightiest city of the East? [...] If you go to Troy, your fame will be so great that a man will be written into eternal legend just for having passed a cup to you.” (164-165) By hearing this Achilles pride swelled and in turn became much more arrogant with his position of prince and Aristos Achaion (Best of the Greeks). After a raid, a girl named Brisies was brought to the camp as a war prize to which Patroclus and Achilles claim her, to save her from the others …show more content…

After a few more raids another girl, a priest is brought, to which Agamemnon claims as his. Because of his cruel treatment of her the god Apollo is angered and sets disease and plague among the men and animals. In order to appease the god Achilles tells him to return the girl, Agamemnon is furious and demands Brisies in return. In taking her he denies Achilles his honor and pride and in the end, hurt and angered, Achilles withdraws from the war and will no longer fight with the Myrmidons. Through these two events, pride can be seen as something negative and harmful to

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