
Pride In The United States: A Short Story

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Man, I used to love a Saturday night in the fall it gives me a sense of pride. I mean, All I had was a trailer home that is destroyed in the desert with a 15 inch TV and a destroyed sofa. But you know it wasn’t all that bad I was able to get up and relax and enjoy myself and I had no cares in the world. I got up and so I wanted to see if I had gotten any mail, and when I went to go and get the mail and it was all dusty. So I sat it on the porch and set it beside me. I didn’t feel like reading it so I set on the counter and sat down to watch some TV and then I fell asleep on the couch. The next week, I woke up wet on a rainy day. It has been a week without looking at the mail and that bothered me so I sat down and pulled the mail out of the envelope. It was a letter and some bills. But I was more concerned about the letter than I was the bills because of the fact that It came with yellow tape to it. But for me, that was a little off I wasn’t used to that. So that was the first thing I opened. …show more content…

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