
Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre: Love and Characterization

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Love has many forms and can be expressed in many ways. The way a person expresses their love is dependent on their personality. Some people’s love is passionate and fiery, for others it is more reserved. Though a love can be expressed differently, this does not mean the people involved love each other any less. There are countless novels that focus on the love between characters, and each character loves differently. In Jane Eyre, Mr. Rochester and Jane have an impassioned affair, this affair is cut short by Jane’s realization that Mr.Rochester already has ties to another woman. In Pride and Prejudice, it is clear that Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy love each other very deeply, as Mr. Darcy is able to overcome his …show more content…

The intimate conversations that Jane and Mr. Rochester have given great insight into his character. The first conversations that Jane and Mr. Rochester share in front off the fire in the dining room, introduces the reader to Rochester’s abrupt and demanding personality. As Jane discovers more about his character, so does the reader.

Jane Eyre calls for more intimate discussions than the conversations that are seen in Pride and Prejudice. The characters in Jane Eyre are much more mysterious and complex than the characters in Pride and Prejudice.
In a novel of manners, “we receive a detailed external account of people, and a rationalized account of their reactions and motives” (Marsh 28). Thus, Jane Austen’s style of characterization relies heavily on small groups of people revealing characteristics about each other. The society in which the characters live is “infinitely more confined than any actual society could be” (Kroeber 34). As such, dialogue plays a key role in the characterization of Pride and Prejudice, because “conversation is the primary means of relating socially” (34). Everything about the reader learns about a character in the novel is learned through the interactions that character has with the other characters. It follows, that each character reveals as much about themselves as they do the other characters. Social gatherings, such as balls, play an important role in this type of characterization, because each character

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