
Priestly's Presentation of The Conflict Between The Classes In This Play

Decent Essays

Priestly's Presentation of The Conflict Between The Classes In This Play I am writing an essay based on the title question" In what ways does Priestly present the conflict between the classes in this play "I am studying the text: "An Inspector calls" written by JB Priestly. I have organized my ideas in a detailed response. By first making a point then focusing on a quote from either of these pages: 2 and 46 and concluding with some analysis relating back to the essay question. I perceive Conflict as a disagreement, argument or battle. It can be perceived as either internal or external. Internal conflict is often conflict within an individual often emotional or turmoil, In comparison to external …show more content…

Sheila later on implies that Eric is drunk and is very aware of Eric's drinking problem. "You're squiffy" This creates some tension between the two, as Sheila doesn't particularly like Eric's character when he is "squiffy". She then goes on to say "Don't be an ass" This implies that Sheila is annoyed with Eric's behavior. Alcohol is already starting to cause some tension and conflict between these two characters. Priestly has used the theme of alcohol as a source of conflict to show some characters true behavior. The classes represented throughout the play is varied from characters like Edna the maid and prosperous factory owners like Mr Birling .Mr Birliing is a very hard headed business man whose first priority is to make money and doesn't care who he hurts along the way. Mr Birling represents Priestly's hatred of businessmen who are only interested in making money. He will never alter his ways and leaves it to the younger generation to learn from his mistakes. Mr would consider himself of a higher class than the likes of Edna, as shown in the very beginning of the play "All right Edna I'll ring from the drawing room when we want

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