
Primary Value Of Democracy

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Democracy is the “Rule by the People through free and fair elections and other forms of participation” (Collier, 2012). There are several fundamental principles that have been determined to have a democratic government in place. These values were composed by various philosophers around the globe as mutual core components of equal opportunity government (Collier, 2012) . In my opinion, they are all needed to have a real democracy in place. However, after briefly researching each of the principles, I have selected three primary values that I believe to be essential. I have also chosen two that I find to be necessary but a little less imperative.
The key principles that I have chosen are the Bill of Rights, Accountability, and Rule of Law. These 3 were selected because they lay a solid foundation for the other ethics in government. The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution as ratified by …show more content…

In a Multiparty System, several exclusive parties in the political range are competing for a national election, and they each have an equal chance of winning the election (Post, 2006, p. 27). Having diversity is paramount because there needs to be someone that will represent such as large and diverse nation; however the party affiliation is not required to achieve that objective. Transparency in government encourages responsibility and delivers information to the people about the government's actions (The White House, 2016). While I do understand that the people should be aware of what the government is doing, it is not necessary for the government to be an entirely open book. Some things create more hurt than harm when revealed to the general public. I am one that likes knowing what is going on. However, somethings are better left unsaid, and that leaves more time to deal with the serious concerns rather than every single thing that may

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