
Primate Diet Adaptations : Primates

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Primate Diet Adaptations Primates are some of the best-adapted animals in the planet. Throughout time their dentition has evolved into different patterns and forms, best fitted for their environment. From the early prosimians, to the modern men, the changes are a prime example of how diverse primates are. Throughout primate evolution, the changes in diet can be correlated with the changes in dentition patterns; however, dentition pattern can be different between male and female, and hold other purposes.
GRADE I – LEMUROIDS Lemuroids are prosimians dating back to as early as 65 million years ago (Larsen). They were the primates present during the Paleocene epoch of the Cenozoic era (Larsen). Having many attributes that pertain to the early primates they help give an insight to the evolution of dentition within early primates (Doyle). This helps understand the fore coming other grades of primates dentition; for example, tarsiers, monkeys, apes and hominids. Present Lemuroids are present in the island of Madagascar, off the shores of the African continent (Doyle). Their dentition pattern has what is known as a toothcomb (Larsen). They posses a pattern of two front incisors, 1 canine, three premolars, and three molars on both top and bottom. The two bottom incisors, and canines are long, finely spaced and procumbent, to facilitate the grooming of the coat (Doyle). Lemurs are arboreal adapted. They spend most of their time on trees wit the exception of the ring-tailed

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