
Primate Mother And Child Essay

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Primates have very defined parenting habits when compared to some other animals in the mammal classification. For starters parents in the primate category show a large amount of investment in their offspring that is unparalleled by other species in the mammal category. Some primates even go as far to show family qualities, where a father has a part in raising a child, where as in other mammal it is usually left up to the mother alone to take care and provide for a child. Scientist and Psychologist Harry Harlow conducted a study to examine the level of bond that is created in a primate mother/child relationship. His studies found that there is a strong need for primate children to have the physical and emotional bond of their mothers, and this bond is crucial for development. Much like humans, primates need their the physical and emotional comfort of their mother to develop correctly and become a adjusted …show more content…

Primate have distinct forms of social groups. Evolution has worked to reward the primates that find better ways for survival. Essentially the concept of survival of the fittest. Different species of primates have different residency patterns. Food is often the defining factor in determining the type of social group a species lives in. There are six main categories of social groups for primates. The first group is the polygynous society. This means that one male primate has multiple females. This allows for there to be almost constant reproduction for the male, but at the same time doesn't allow food to be a priority as the mothers have to gather food for not only themselves, but their young as well. The second group is the polyandrous society, in which there is one female and multiple males. In this system males help with

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