
Primrose Oil Supplements Research Paper

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The benefits of evening primrose oil supplements are something I have taken for my health for several years now. I first found out about taking this supplement in my early 20's. I read an article in a trashy magazine one day on EPO for larger breasts. It said, taking evening primrose oil (EPO) for a time will help improve bust size. As I was a small busted woman and yearned for the day my breasts would just naturally enlarge on their own. I, of course, bolted out the door to buy my first bottle (1). Did my breasts enlarge? Sadly no, they did not, fortunately with age comes acceptance of one's body and despite the fact my breasts did not grow bigger. I do continue to this day to take EPO. The benefits of evening primrose oil and fenugreek are two supplements often marketed as being able to increase breast growth. …show more content…

One, in particular, is breast pain (2). There is, of course, no scientific evidence primrose oil can help with breast pain. In fact, there is not enough evidence to support the use primrose oil being able to help any of the health problems, it is marketed for (3). Some of the health claims made for this oil are; its ability to help fight cancer, heart disease and help the body fight production of chemicals that cause inflammation. Once again, no proof.benefits of evening primrose Women who suffer from endometriosis may find evening primrose oil a help. Um, yep you guessed it, no proof! Including the benefits of evening primrose oil and exercise can help the body burn fat. Again, I could find no evidence this is the case, however, it does not mean, it is not the case! Studies are small or not studied extensively (4). There is a lot of advertising and marketing on EPO. There are some amazing health claims made, taking this supplement can do for the

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