
Principle 3 : Systems Strengthening System Of The Health Care System That Support A Sustainable Routine Immunization Program

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PRINCIPLE 3: SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING Component 3: USAID will emphasize strengthening system components of the health care system that support a sustainable routine immunization program. Weak vaccination programs are the result of weak health systems. If the cold chain is not maintained properly, then vaccines cannot be assured to be potent and viable. If proper waste disposal procedures are not in place, then the public is put at unnecessary risk. If training for health workers is inadequate, then children will not receive the vaccines they need at the time they need them and under the conditions they need them. If disease surveillance to understand disease burden and epidemiology is inadequate, then the proper vaccines cannot be included in …show more content…

The use of accurate and timely information provides policy makers, political leaders, health planners, service providers, donors, technical experts and the general public with the knowledge to improve quality and address key challenges such as equity, integration and cost. Good data and the consequent information they provide address key obstacles that may limit access, delivery and the uptake of vaccines. USAID will strengthen tools to collect, manage, interpret data (paper and digital tools) and emphasize aligned effort with other partners and donors (integrated, inter-operable). • USAID will support countries to develop and apply simple data collection and analysis instruments (maps, registers, tickler files, tally sheets, monitoring sheets, etc.) for use at district and country-level facilities in order to track performance indicators and anticipate needed adjustments to expand and sustain the expanded and equitable delivery of routine and new vaccines. • USAID will develop, test and introduce innovative data analysis and interpretation tools that can be used at all levels within national health systems to track key indicators of performance, highlight areas that require greater attention and identify situations of positive deviance that can be replicated to increase coverage and equity. • USAID will help national and district

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