
Principle Of Affected Interest

Satisfactory Essays

The principle of affected interests is defined as an equal right given to participants who are affected by a policy decision to partake in determining and forming the outcomes (McKenzie & Wharf, 2016). By giving an opportunity to those who are highly impacted by a decision it can create an effective policy that can ultimately suit the needs of those using the services (McKenzie & Wharf, 2016). After all, the people who are experiencing the problems would have the most to lose and gain in this situation. Therefore, if the principle of affected interest is not included then the policy making will be determined by the staff with long standing service records who are typically white privileged men (McKenzie & Wharf, 2016). This would decrease the diversity and perspective of choices, possibly skewing the outcomes. …show more content…

Furthermore, the decision-making procedure is a very tedious battle, as it may be a long-term process that result in indeterminate outcomes (McKenzie & Wharf, 2016). Consequently, by incorporating the citizens it can further pro long the process, but I think that it is important to consider the voice of the citizens because it is better to be patient and do something right the first time, rather then rush and pay the consequences later on. A great example of principle of affected interest that plays a key role in a university student life is evident in group projects. I had a group experience where one person tried to dominate and take over the entire group and tuned out everything, myself and my group members would suggest. This caused immense frustration as nothing written incorporated our thoughts. I then took initiative and created a google docs where everyone was able to inform their

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