
Privacy And Identity Theft

Better Essays

Privacy is something we all value, especially as Americans. This has been the case for quite some time, however not just Americans but the entire world is finding itself deep in a bog of fading privacy due to new technologies. The world has become hyper-connected, and with this has come private information becoming very available- often without a person’s knowledge or direct consent. The hyper connectivity has a lot of upside, but loss of privacy is not worth the wonderful technology of today. If you look over all of history, one of the things that would appear quite clearly is that knowledge is power. And today more than ever knowledge about people can be found online. This poses great risks to the masses of internet users as not just …show more content…

First of all, let’s take a look at the threats posed to privacy today from the most easy threat to think about- criminals. In most any case, if there is money to be made there will be those who try to gain it illicitly- criminals. This is certainly the case when it comes to the online realm. Criminals have found many extensive ways to use technology to steal your identity and personal information- your privacy. Sending spam e-mails from fake but believable institutions (although sometimes or even often unbelievable ones) in order to gain personal information (“What is Identity Theft?”). A server can copy clone your credit card as you pay (“What is Identity Theft”). Even more terrifying- through use of hacking they can steal your information from financial institutions, government records, academic institutions, medical institutions, and pretty much any place you may enter info into a database, even the public library(What is Identity Theft). From any given one of these sources these criminals can have availability to the most private things in your life like your address, credit, retirement benefits; These people can create a whole new world under your name(“What is Identity Theft”). The treat of cybercrime to your privacy is one that is very real. Think …show more content…

After the Edward Snowden incident, this became appallingly apparent to the US people; and as you can imagine, they use today’s technology to do it. The National Security Agency (NSA) first began its reign of domestic spying on the private lives of citizens after 9-11, in an attempt to catch possible terrorists (How the NSA’s…). However it didn’t take long for the program to grow to include far more than possible terrorists. First the government got telecommunications companies on board to provide records an access to their systems and facilities. By doing this, the NSA now had unprecedented access to domestic and international private communication- it is claimed that the NSA captured up to 20 trillion transactions by 2012 (How the NSA’s…). The NSA takes the information and processes and stores almost all of it, yes almost all of those transactions at huge storage sites (How the NSA’s). What this means is that the one group that could be more powerful than a massive corporation like google, The United States government, has access to nearly everything anybody has ever said, done, or sent electronically. All of this without a peoples consent. Instead the nation is left to assume that the government only uses such power for the benefit of its citizens. Indeed it may help stop many threats, but there is something very eerie about the government’s actions being so expansive. In

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