
Pro Death Penalty Research Paper

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Over the course of history, the death penalty is a very heated and debatable topic. The death penalty is often viewed as inhumane and cruel. As a country that prides itself on American values and justice, we need to call attention to the criminals sitting in our jails. This is a monumental decision that no one wants to make, but someone has to. My personal stand point of the death penalty is that the death penalty is in place to help rid our society of criminal's that are incapable of being rehabilitated and released back into society. I support the death penalty because these criminals have caused emotional upheaval and are costing our society more funds required to sit in our jails with the life sentence with no parole rather than exercising …show more content…

The people that are against the death penalty have clearly stated that it is inhumane and cruel referring to the eighth amendment, in the constitution. Even though these criminals are tried in front of a judge and a jury of their peers, they are just supposed to sit in jail. The men and women that are incarcerated are there for their crimes and actions. Many lives have been devastated because of the actions of these criminals. The family of the criminal that is incarcerated has to live with the guilt of what he/she has done. The families of the victims have to live with their pain and loss as well. The drugs that inflict death upon the inmates are more costlier than habitation. Pharmacies have refused to sell the inducing drugs because they do not want to associate themselves with the killing of a person, innocent or guilty. There are a lot of inmates sitting in prison for life that society thinks it is easier to house them than to purchase the necessary drugs to put them to sleep. At the end of the day, the perpetrators are still human beings and need to be treated as such.
In conclusion, after much debate, the punishment should fit the crime. We as a society have deliberated on the emotional aspect, of both sides and the funding for keeping these criminals alive with no chance of parole. There will always be a new standpoint or opinion on the matter. But, we must always try to make the right decision

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