
Gun Control Research Paper

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A shooting here; a shooting there; a consistent day to day event heard in the daily papers and on the news stations on TV. New media are announcing a shooting someplace. Regardless of whether the shootings are intentional or unintentional; they are occurring all over the United States. In today’s society, gun control is essential; stricter federal laws must be enacted to save lives. Individual states’ laws are not sufficient to reduce deaths caused by guns In any case, in today's society, weapon brutality is a sparking debate and controversy on how to control gun violence. Anyone who thinks that we have enough gun control laws is either NRA, or severely misguided. All across the nation, a large number of laws and directions have been …show more content…

They may even know how to make them themselves. Gun control would just make the citizens more vulnerable. The United States is the only industrialized country that allows widespread possession of guns. It has been estimated that half or more of all American homes contain at least one gun. The United States also suffers from a far greater death rate from both deliberation and accidental shootings than any other advanced country. In America today one person dies by gunshot every eighteen or nineteen minutes, twenty-four hours a day. That added up to 28,874 deaths in 1999, down from 30,708 the year before. During a typical two year period, more American are killed by guns here at home than were killed during the entire Vietnam war. American children in particular face a greater risk from guns than the children of any other industrialized nation. In one recent year, firearms killed no children in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germany, 109 in France, 153 in Canada, and 5285 in the United …show more content…

All guns must be banned. All guns. Get rid of all weapons in homes, and in the city, and, however much as possible.Not in light of San Bernardino, or whichever mass shooting may fly up next. Whenever there's a mass shooting in the U.S., members of Congress refuse to bear in mind discussing gun control, guaranteeing that gun control advocates politicize the issue at a time of national grieving. “Now isn't the time,” they say. It's been a long time since the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.; 18 months since the mass shooting in Orlando, Fl.; and over 2 months since Las Vegas. Would it be a good idea for us to not ask the Republicans in Congress: "Is now the time? Furthermore, if not now, when? In one more year? An additional five

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