
Problem Statement : Use Of Internet Essay

Satisfactory Essays

01. Problem Statement: Use of internet grows so the cybersecurity problems also arises. Different activities are done by attacker to gain sensitive information of the victim. Different malicious activities are being carried out by the attackers so that they will be able to get the information of the victim. Using this information the attackers performs their illegal activities.After gaining the information attacker perform illegal activities. For this we are proposing the system and the main objective of this project is to detect phishing emails from collected data in Honeypot.In this project we design an architecture in which being built on the top of the Big Data frameworks that aims to mitigate the cybersecurity problem like phishing. 02. Literature Survey: Present work related to the project topic:- The architecture designed stores the emails on the top of the HDFS in the form of mailboxes. They implemented an application to process large volumes of spam traffic collected from all the world. The honeypot is being located in different countries and continents and stores the messages in the mailboxes on the top of HDFS. The main contribution of the application is its capability to identify phishing emails is a set of spam messages. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Locality-Sensitive Hashing(LSH) to inspect the text present in the messages they were able to detect the phishing campaigns. The drawback of this system is that their

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