Beyond the cognitive and attitudinal evaluation of the procedural injustice Weisse et al (1999) argues that feeling unfairly treated have an affect appraisal element as well. In their study, they were able to integrate theories of injustice and appraisal theories of emotions to demonstrate that justice can be thought of as an affective event. More specifically, they linked the effects of justice conditions to various discrete emotions. Procedural injustice was found to be directly linked to the discrete anger as a predictor of reaction to the unfair treatment. Moreover, unfairness and illegitimacy have been extended from an individual appraisal of an event to group based appraisals of the event (E.R. Smith, 1993).
The investigation of the injustice against minorities in Courtelaney Pass is a serious issue. From the lack of minorities police officers in the department to the minorities receiving most of the tickets given out in Courtelaney Pass. Your investigation has brought this issue to the fore forth and you have a path forward. Although you have new policies put in place, you need to monitor the situation to ensure these issues do not occur again. Good luck with your final presentation.
The word injustice is being said and expressed in our world today. What some people don’t know is that the action of injustice occurs all around us. Injustice lives all around us from protests for civil rights to racial stereotypes being aggregated in schools. In the book Just Mercy, injustice is clearly seen in the lives of those who are non-Caucasian and those who are women. For example, Walter McMillian faces injustice for being African-American and being in the same place that a crime is taking place. Automatically, the police arrest him as a suspect. Instead of giving him a fair trial, they put him on death row. Injustice is seen in this event because he isn’t given the opportunity to prove that he isn’t guilty. Us as citizens, I believe
The novel's commentary on the nature of justice is multifaceted and thought-provoking. It changes the conventional notion of justice as a clear-cut and impartial system. Instead, the narrative portrays justice as subjective, influenced by personal relationships, societal biases, and individual
The phenomenon of culling spikes on high fence ranches has been researched intensively for the past fifty years with good arguments on both sides. However, culling spikes may be a little too extreme since they can become a marketable animal in the future. Allowing them to mature is essential to see what they can be before considering them a cull. Culling spikes in certain areas can potentially decrease the density of a herd in arid environments where fawn crops are erratic. Nutrition of the doe is equally important as the buck in improving herd genetic quality. Therefore, the culling of spikes is not necessary to improve the genetic quality of a herd, but to give the spike an extra year of development to allow him to catch up with his genetic
On 11/28/2017, I, Officer Marisa Rhodeman #165 was working as a Police Officer in FTO Training along with WSU Officer Dillon Dickerson #155, for the Wichita State University Police Department (WSUPD), Wichita, Sedgwick County Kansas.
The word injustice, to me, means unfairness is done between two or more parties for a certain reason, but that reason is what causes the unjust in the two parties. It is like a mother giving one child special treatment but not the other when they are both her children. Injustice can take place in many forms and there are many different ways to define the word injustice than the way I defined it.
Throughout years in the criminal justice system, women being incarcerated has increased drastically. Since the amount of women offenders increased above male offenders, equality is sought out. There is an expand amount of gender disparities in federal cases. With women seeking equality through justice over the decades, changes should be made within the justice system to provide impartiality, acknowledge the gender difference and it’s importance.
When I myself am witness to acts of injustice my first reaction is usually anger, frustration which is then followed by a very vocal complaint. The same reactions come about when I myself am put under circumstances of injustice and I can only hope, but am not certain, that this is something regularly occurs with humans in general. I would have to say that some of the factors that contribute to the ways that I respond to injustice would be feelings that had occurred as a child when put into unjust situations as well as knowledge that I was given while growing up in both educational institutions as well as living in general. While I watched the movie Shawshank Redemption I witness an idea developed mainly by Stephen King that basically gave me hope by helping me see that due to what I call karma, the people that are exaggerating unjust behavior will eventually get what is coming to them. This is displayed well by the showing of all the ignorant behavior put on by the warden and what happened to him in the end.
In this essay I will discuss Glaucon’s defence of injustice, which he presents to Socrates in book 11 of Plato’s The Republic. For the purposes of this paper, I will focus on the overriding theme in Glaucon’s argument; that we are only just for the sake of consequences and will conclude by agreeing with this notion.
In reports on the daily news showed that, “ In 1989 there were 3,254 reported rapes in New York City one made us question our whole system of justice.” The many rapes that took place, but out of over 3,000 only 1 made individuals question the justice system. Why is it that when judges wrongfully convicts someone it’s in the nature to apologize when no proper investigation was done. These young men are innocent it took so much years just to prove that these men went away because of a system that failed them. Why should a black man be afraid to walk next to a white female in a park without her thinking he’s not going to harm her. The cases only arise mental issues that will later causes individuals to fear their own lives because they’re not
After a contentious sentencing in a high profile rape case, many people have demanded the judge be recalled. However, this raises questions over whether making the judiciary answerable to the public would lead to harsher sentences and a less legitimate justice system. Those in favor of judicial recall query whether the system has failed if judges are out of touch with public morals and victims’ suffering.
In The Republic, the great philosopher Plato attempts to reveal through the character and dialogues of Socrates that justice is better when it is the good for which men must strive for, regardless of whether they could be unjust and still be rewarded. His method is to use dialectic, the asking and answering of questions. This method leads the audience from one point to another, supposedly with indisputable logic by obtaining agreement to each point before going on to the next, therefore, building an argument.
Communitarian critics of Rawls have argued that his A Theory of Justice provides an inadequate account of individuals in the original position. Michael Sandel, in Liberalism and the Limits of Justice argues that Rawls' conception of the person divorces any constitutive attachments that persons might have to their ends. Hence, Sandel asserts that Rawls privileges the standpoint of self-interested individuals at the expense of communal interests. I do not find Sandel's specific criticisms to be an accurate critique of what Rawls is doing in A Theory of Justice. However, this does not mean the more general thrust of the communitarian analysis of Rawls' conception of the person must be abandoned. By picking up the pieces
PER REPORTER: Shauntia is pregnant and her due date is March 29th. In November 2016, she was an inpatient at the hospital. She was 15 years old when she got pregnant. The unborn child's father is 22 years old. Shauntia won't give the father's name. Shauntia's mother has filed charges with Tate County Police Department. The case is pending because they can't do a paternity test until she delivers. There was no report called in about Shauntia's and the father's age difference. Shauntia confirmed it was consensual and the pregnancy was not the result of an assault type of rape. She didn't give details of where she was when it happened. The mother is aware that the child is pregnant. It is unknown when mom found out she was pregnant. In November
Over the decades, the concept of justice has been continually evolving. This is occurring based upon different moral or legal interpretations. Evidence of this can be seen with observations from Burke (2011) who said, "Few things are of more importance to a society than its concept of justice. This is because it is justice that provides criterion for the legitimate use of force. In the name of justice people are detained, arrested, handcuffed, put on trial and punished. This concept is used to provide every society with some kind of social order. Over the last 200 years, a revolution has taken place with these principles. Our idea of it is what we employ, when dealing with ordinary individuals in daily life including: making agreements, paying bills, resolving disputes and putting criminals in jail. This is a concept that is as old as recorded history and it is familiar to people everywhere. What makes it so unique is that these ideas are constantly changing which focuses on society as a whole and how people are interacting with each other. " (Burke)