
Process Of Being Formed As A Llc Owned By Vinay Thalla

Decent Essays

Siriteck Solutions is in the process of being formed as a LLC owned by Vinay Thalla. This plan is for starting and managing a new business. Following are some of the summary points of this plan: • Ownership: The current form of ownership is LLC and the total initial investment in the company will be $50,000-$100,000. • Services: Three different services will be provided to employees, trainers and clients at reasonable prices. 1. Objective: • Profit: To generate sufficient net profit in sales to further fuel the growth of the business • Growth: To grow the business with having enough challenges, which are manageable and have 7,000 subscribers being trained or employed by Siriteck by end of 2017 • To specify a written guide for starting and …show more content…

[1] (Content is owned by Vinay Thalla, CEO Siriteck solutions Company Summary: 1. Provide training videos, materials, and software, in the field of IT (Java, SAP, EPIC, Testing tools, ETL, Business Intelligence, Hadoop, QA, BA, reporting tools and many others) to all the subscribers such as (Students, Job Seekers, Experienced professionals) who are enrolled with Siriteck. The Videos consists of 3 levels (pricing is flat rate of $100 to $500 based on platform): • Basics • Intermediate • Advanced 2. Create a job portal, which is an integrated function of Siriteck web portal that allows their subscribers to apply for jobs. 3. Associate Clients, Vendors and Employers with Siriteck and provide them access to the jobseekers resumes uploaded in Siriteck web portal. Allow them direct access to post jobs on Siriteck job portal. 4. Provide job support to the clients by allowing them to outsource their jobs to Siriteck. 2.1 Company Startup – Summary Siriteck is a startup company and we want to have strong operating financials to show off to the clients. So we will start initially with $50,000 up to $100,000. Owner and angel investors will fund most of the investment. Apart from legal and other cost the following expenses will be made on the requirements to take the company off the ground: Startup Requirements: • Rent: Office set up with at least 3 to 5 cubical and a training room which accommodates 7 to

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