
Professional Communication Sample Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Foundations of Professional Communication Sample Instructions to Analyze for Effectiveness You are the new Director of Security at Easy to Be Green. You’ve undertaken a review of all the documents used by the security staff, including instructions for carrying out various security procedures. You find a binder that contains sets of instructions that look like the one below. How might you revise these instructions? 8 p.m. security rounds First set the security cameras for replay when you return. Start on the third floor. Take the elevator there. Unlock each lab, turn on the lights, find the lab checklist on the wall by the door, and check all the equipment listed on the checklist. Turn off any that the checklist indicates …show more content…

Also call maintenance if any clean-ups are needed in the restrooms. Check all security cameras. Take the stairs to the first floor. Check the stairwell lights and security camera. On the first floor, check the sales area. Make sure that all sales models are in place. Call it in if any of the models are not in their designated places. In the break room, check for personal items, and call the maintenance staff if any clean-ups are needed. Check the windows, equipment, and bathroom in Bert’s office; check to make sure his private entrance door is locked. If he is there, make a note on the security round sheet. Make sure his door is locked if he is not there. Make sure the door of the equipment room is locked. Check the restrooms, and call maintenance if any clean-ups are needed. Check to make sure the back exit door is locked and that the fire alarm auto lock release is on. In the reception area, check to make sure that the alarm system is turned on. Check to make sure the front door is locked. Check all security cameras. Take the stairs to the basement. Check the stairwell lights and security camera. Use the individual checklists for the heating/cooling systems room, the venting systems room, the power control room, and the recycling room. Make sure the locker area is locked. Make sure the back exit door is locked and the alarm system is on. Take the elevator to the first floor and check the elevator alarm

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