
Professional Narcissism: Virtue Of Flaw?

Decent Essays

Professional Narcissism – Virtue of Flaw?

Narcissism is known to be the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes.

Psychologically, it is defined as extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for all or any type of admiration, as characterising a personality type.

Recently I got to thinking about Professional Narcissism.

I started to ponder why Professional Narcissism is so much frowned upon and whether the world has the whole spectrum of Workplace Narcissism upside down?

Is celebrating self-worth and recognising your own talents really a form of narcissism per se?

After all, most organisations I have either worked for or consulted with have …show more content…

So, does this all translate to companies wanting to employee Narcissists, without readily acknowledging that Professional Narcissism can in fact be a positive trait, rather than one which conjures up the worst possible images?

Could Professional Narcissism really be underrated for no good reason? The much maligned ‘self absorbed’ high achievers might in fact just be your average garden variety Narcissists.

When I delved into this further, I started to think that the workplace as a whole, might very well be full of ‘pseudo furtive Narcissists pretending to be Average Joes’ to simply fit in?

When all is said and done, who can honestly say that at some point in their career, they haven’t longed for gratification of some type? Be honest now and remember that gratification comes in many forms. What? You never wanted a pay rise, that corner office with the stunning city vista or a company vehicle? All of these ‘wants’ can be hallmarks of a Professional Narcissist, or in turn can simply be defined as ‘career

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