
Professionalism In Workplace

Decent Essays

1. Discuss whether there should be a different standard of behavior in the workplace compared to personal relationships. Personal relationships are different than workplace relationships so yes, there should be a different standard of behavior. While both personal and professional relationships require working as a team, personal relationships involve feelings (heated discussions, not talking for a while, etc.) and workplace relationship requires professionalism at all times to achieve the desired goal. Even if you have a previous relationship with a co-worker, in the workplace people should behave professionally. There are laws that employers and employees have to obey and if they don’t, face the legal consequences. Most companies have a …show more content…

According to the video, Isiah Thomas put his arm around the victim, tried to kiss her on the cheek, called her sexually charged names, and made her feel uncomfortable on the job. Discuss how a court should determine what constitutes sexual harassment and what does not. Should culture play any part in that determination? The book defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, which explicitly or implicitly makes submission a term or condition of employment or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment (Kubasek, 2013). Sexual harassment is classified into two categories: quid pro quo and the creation of a hostile environment. As the name says, Quid pro quo means an “eye for an eye” or an exchange of one thing for another, in the case this means an exchange of a sexual favor in order to get a promotion, a higher salary or another improvement of a work condition. Hostile environment implicates any behavior that creates an intimidating and offensive work, for example: demeaning names, sexual jokes, or any other sexual behavior that makes someone …show more content…

Culture should not play a factor in that determination. Since this is a country that has people from basically all parts of the world, the work environment and rules should be made to apply to diverse cultures. The definitions are very clear and so should work behavior policies. An Asian might feel disrespected with an action that a Turkish person wouldn’t but that doesn’t change the fact that people should respect each other and if a person feels uncomfortable with something and expresses it, that shouldn’t happen again. 3. As part of this case, Madison Square Garden had to pay the victim because of retaliation – she was fired for reporting the sexual harassment. In this case, the jury determined sexual harassment occurred, that she complained to the appropriate parties, and was fired for that. Given the dollar amounts discussed in the video, discuss the risk that false sexual harassment claims might be filed and what might be done to prevent

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