
Program Execution Efficiency. He Was Assigned To Oversee

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Program Execution Efficiency He was assigned to oversee Stoichiometric Miller Cycle testing in 2016, a critical assignment in determining the strategic direction for future GPS engines. It was imperative to achieve accurate on-time results, which Justin did with much extra effort. His customers and I appreciated his sense of urgency and commitment to quality. Feedback from his customers praised the detailed quality of his work and his receptiveness to addressing any and all questions. • Gate S and R timing gates were met with all required data on time. Required FTQ, Test Efficiency, and On-Time Delivery metrics were tracked professionally and useful in determining improvement pathways. In SMC PDT meetings, • Justin pursued …show more content…

• Justin investigated solution pathways in optimizing SMC systems, and these were central SMC conclusions. Improvement Initiatives • Aspects of extending the efficiency-string methods with heat transfer considerations have been looked at by Justin, and it has been studied in detail, but more time is required to implement it. Also, extenuating circumstances came into play where Justin was not able to commit the required time to a thorough job with the extreme daily pressures involved with the SMC program, along with complication of lost data due to a computer crash. This work has gained priority in December and will continue through 2017. • Justin has led an activity, with support of our summer intern, to determine the variation of single-cylinder fuel flow measurement uncertainty. This was published as a GDM IP report document and is insightful in showing intra-cell variation in the speed load domain, with variations increasing at lighter loads. This data was valuable enough to include in Justin’s SMC final report as error bars on NSFC status. Documentation of GM Business Interests and Intellectual Property. • Three GDM IP reports during the year, and all likely will be valuable references: o Initial Assessment of Single Cylinder Fuel Flow Measurement Uncertainty o Fast Sort Combustion System Assessment Process o Experimental Combustion System Assessment of Stoichiometric Miller Cycle Engines • The Steady-State PN / PM Emissions Screening Test was submitted

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