
Prolapse Disorders: A Case Study

Decent Essays

There is good news for prolapse rectum sufferers. You can evade the condition via food! Your diet can categorically affect your prolapse.  Diet contributes to abdominal fat: the more belly body fat you carry the greater the load on your pelvic floor.  Diet affects bowel movements: constipation and diarrhoea can cause straining to empty and exacerbate prolapse complications.  Diet can cause abdominal bloating, gas and IBS: abdominal bloating, flatulence and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can all cause discomposure and aggravate prolapse symptoms. Diet and abdominal fat Your belly fat isn’t the fat you feel at your midriff; rather it surrounds your stomach organs and sits straight above your pelvic floor. What supports the weight of your belly?

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