
Promotion In Othello

Decent Essays

The first plot point of this story was the events taking place in Venice, Italy, one of

Shakespeare's most discussed locations of Europe in his work; like it also being utilized in another one

of his tragedies, Hamlet. This sort of location would influence the type of people who are presented in

this tragedy, and how their actions in these roles could impact each other. Within the first act, the topic

of promotion is brought up by one of the main characters of the story, Iago. This sort of promotion is to

of course reach a higher and higher status as part of the Venetian army. It is most likely a very

esteemed part of Venice as the type of event in Act I about the promotion would influence the actions

of Iago throughout the …show more content…

This would however become more and more clouded by the grasp of revenge held by

Iago, as he would lose trust in Desdemona, believing Iago's words to be true; in that she herself is

betraying his love for another.

Desdemona at first, in my opinion, starts as a seemingly independent woman in actions

compared to most portrayed women at that time such as choosing who to marry (against the portrayed

wishes of her father), and would not be run over by the actions of Othello who crawling towards the

edge of madness (such as reacting harshly towards the actions of Othello hitting her in retaliation for

her “betrayal” of his love). However, by the end of the story, when Iago's plan of revenge has taken a

toll upon Othello mentally as he has become the “mad general,” she seems submissive to her fate in

this tragedy. She seems accustomed that the ever increasing breakage of the relationship between both

her and Othello would potentially lead to her death by his hand. It's almost like she is at the point that

her strong demeanor as a woman is weak against the demands set by society, and her “betrayal” of her

husband's ideals that she herself did not start or want to progress as she loves him dearly. With

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