
Pros And Cons Bork

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Robert Bork was nominated by President Ronald Regan on July 7, 1987 to replace Justice Lewis Powell Jr. who was retiring that year. Bork was rejected by the Senate and Anthony Kennedy replaced Justice Powell. He was defeated by 58 (against) to 42 (for), which is noted as the largest margin in history. There are many reasons why Bork was rejected because of his views on certain topics, his controversial articles, and other things. In the 1960’s Bork started to sell a new brand of legal conservatism he called it “original intent” which means that judges should go no further in interpreting the constitution than the words of the founding document. Bork started off as the solicitor general for President Nixon in 1973 and this was during the Watergate scandal. President Nixon gave an order to his attorney general to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, but both the attorney general and deputy attorney general refused. Cox was requesting the tapes from Nixon’s conversations in the oval office. Bork believed it was up to him to carry out Nixon’s requests to fire Cox, and after firing Cox he became attorney general. The event is now known as the Saturday Night Massacre which involves the firing of Cox. This could have been a part of the …show more content…

However Senator Kennedy said. “Your views would take us back to the days when women were second-class citizens.” This is upsetting because till this very day women are not treated equally, and if Bork was confirmed woman would probably be housewives. The closing remarks of Sen. Kennedy’s opening salvo against the Bork nomination, in which he declared that ‘[Reagan] should not be able to reach out from the muck of Irangate, reach into the muck of Watergate, and impose his reactionary vision of the Constitution on the Supreme Court and on the next generation of Americans,” are informative. This really demonstrates a reason why he wasn’t

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