Are You Choosing The Right Feeding Bottle For Your Baby? Here’s Your Complete Guide
Watching my nephew grow up from a whiny newborn to a super charged-up toddler, I realized one thing about babies: They require extra care (AT. EVERY. STEP.); Even a task as simple as buying a bottle isn’t that simple when it comes to babies, especially first borns (new parents, dig me?). You will be glad to know that until your baby starts consuming solids, there’s a long road that can be covered smoothly with bottle feeding.
However, once your little munchkin has turned over six months of age and you wish to introduce top feed, it’s better to do your homework before you hit the streets in search of the right baby-friendly flask. After all, nestling your baby
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BPA (bisphenol-A) is a chemical substance used in the making of plastic bottles, which often finds its way in the food through the container. Since glass bottles are completely BPA free, they’re enjoying a good reputation amongst mommy …show more content…
Plastic Baby Bottles
By far the most widely used material in baby bottles, plastic is affordable, lightweight and can be moulded into different designs and shapes. Plastic baby bottles are so common that you can spot at least one in nine out of ten households with infants. However, the use of these bottles declined with the spread of awareness of BPA content present in them. You’ll be glad to know that in 2012, FDA banned the use of BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups. To make sure, you can also look for BPA-free label on the bottle.
Pros of using plastic baby bottle:
• Lightweight
• Affordable
• Resistant to breakage
• Easy to store
• Doesn’t sweat
Cons of using glass baby bottle:
• Cannot be used for boiling & heating purposes
• Hard to clean
• Soft material; easily scratch-able
• Can absorb odour
• Made using petroleum
3. Stainless Steel Baby
Every mother of a newborn baby must make a very personal decision when it comes to how they are going to feed their infant. I was faced with that decision 3 years ago when I had my first son who I named Ethen. It was one of the very hardest decisions I had to make. I had to consider all the good benefits of breast feeding as well as the benefits of formula bottle-feeding, but the good benefits of breastfeeding outnumbered the bottle feeding ones. I finally decided that breast feeding was the best option for my son and for myself, after extensive research on breastfeeding as well as formula feeding, and also taking a breastfeeding class where I received a lot of information which helped me
Christina McvayLisa Barrick English 101 September 19, 2017 Boobs Vs. Bottles All mothers want the best for their children. Multiple studies have shown that breastfeeding should be highly considered. Although, breastfeeding and bottle feeding are both alike in few ways, the numerous benefits of breastfeeding make it the best option for many mothers. Mother’s breast milk contains over 100 components, which therefore formula milk does not compete. Breastfeeding is a better option because of the cost, convenience, and all the wonderful numerous health benefits. Breast milk contains all the germ fighting antibodies that help prevent a child from getting sick. Breast milk contains antibodies. Antibodies, are passed from the mother to the child through the breast milk and help strengthen a child’s immune system. Antibodies, fight against numerous infections, viruses, prevent chronic conditions, and much more. More importantly, breastfeeding may perhaps protect babies against sudden infant death syndrome, more commonly known as, “SIDS”. Breast feeding is very beneficial for all premature babies. Breast milk naturally contains countless vitamins that a newborn requires, which formula does not contain. Breast milk contains protein that a child can easily digest, therefore breastfed babies are usually less gassy, spit up less, and less constipated. Breast milk helps give one’s child calcium and iron a lot faster with direct intake. Also, the fats from breast milk are very essential for the health and the growth of one’s baby. Likewise, breastfeeding is very beneficial for mothers, while formula is not. Breastmilk contains 20 calories per ounce, therefore, the more one feeds their child, the more calories the mother loses and increases weight loss. What mother does not want to lose the extra calories that she just ate from her last meal? Or the extra weight she may have packed on during her pregnancy? Can bottle feeding do that? No, probably not! Breastfeeding mothers can also see a change during ovulation. The more breastfeeding mothers are feeding their babies, the more prolactin their body releases. Prolactin keeps progesterone and estrogen steady, therefore the mother’s egg is not released, which would have triggered
Then Oil mention Bisphenol A or BPA is used to make polycarbonate plastic which is now banned in Canada and European Union (Bridge and Le Billon, pg. 81). Also, some countries of the world are banning or put some sort of tax on plastics. This makes one to wonder why these countries are reducing or stop using plastic all together. Of course it might be that they see the health and environmental issues behind using plastic products. This causes the mass production of plastic bottles and now they are everywhere.
Bottles being made of glass would have been dangerous around children and highly breakable. Whereas if the bottles are made of plastic they are less likely to break and as a result are safer.
Deciding whether to formula feed or breastfeed ones baby is one of the biggest and most crucial decisions expectant and new parents will make before giving birth. Organizations such as World Health Organizations (WHO), American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and American Dietetic Association recommend breastfeeding as the best option for the newborn. Most of these organizations and other supporters of breastfeeding affirm that it defends the baby against infection, reduces the risks of certain chronic conditions and prevents allergies. To decide if you want to bottle-feed or breastfeed one needs to do some research on both methods of feeding. Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for a baby, but formula feeding a newborn can also produce a highly healthy, happy child. The decision to breastfeed or bottle-feed is up to the mother, her comfort level, her ability to produce milk, as well as her religion or culture.
Bottle manufacturers should stop using plastic in general. Plastic bottles, especially PET plastic bottles, have a nasty tendency to off gas, thus releasing dangerous chemicals into the users drink. These chemicals rage from antimony to phthalates, as well as other endocrine disrupters and synthetic estrogens. This leaching of harmful chemicals is the cause of the plastic bottles popularity decline. Nonetheless, there are many other styles of drink bottle to choose from, ranging from glass to stainless
“Some mothers have to give up breastfeeding even though they want to breastfeed. To give up breastfeeding can be a sensitive issue in a time when breastfeeding is promoted as the healthiest for mother and child” (Larsen & Kronborg, 2013, p. 848). The debate over whether breast-feeding is better than bottle-feeding or vice versa has been a debate for many years. With more and more research that is continuously being developed, the option to breast-feed or bottle-feed is ultimately up to the parents of the child. Although the decision could be based on factors such as a physical incapability or financial burdens, the end result should always be what is going to be best for the baby. As research continues to grow, there has been proven evidence of the positive and negative aspects that come with breast-feeding and bottle-feeding.
Besides being costly to the environment and to users, consuming bottled water does not come without health concerns. The plastic in bottled water, PET, breaks down and releases toxic chemicals into the water. “A study of 132 brands of bottled
Infants are usually breast-fed on demand up to the age of two. Attempts to introduce bottle feedings have often met with sad results: sterilization of bottles and formula were poorly understood, formulas were diluted to last longer, and with the abandonment of breast-feeding, intercourse was resumed earlier than usual with a resultant increase in children who could be ill afforded. Bota is a thin gruel for babies, fed by pouring into the mother's hand and gently easing into the infant's mouth. Some foods and medicinal herbs if deemed necessary are pre-chewed by the mother then given to the infant.
Becoming a mother is every girls dream. You image how they will look, or if they will have a head full of hair. Regardless, there is always a decision to make when you have your child: breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Many new mommies don’t know the benefits of breasting, or how it is healthier for their children rather than formula. Breastfeeding is best for babies because they get more nutritional value than formula. Breastfeeding is better in so many ways, for example; flexibility, cost, convenience, and health benefits.
plastic bottle and is stored is hot or warm temperature it can lead to chemicals going into the
During pregnancy, mothers are often faced with the personal decision of whether they should breastfeed or formula-feed their newborn. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each feeding method. The purpose of this paper is not to shame a mother for the feeding method she chooses, but instead to provide understanding into the reasons why a mother may choose breastfeeding over formula-feeding. A commonly asked question is: “Is breast really best?” There is no right or wrong choice, just the best choice for mom and baby.
The NRDC found out that two brands of plastic water bottles were contaminated with phthalates (Jemmott). Phthalates are used to make plastic softer. This chemical prevents the body’s normal functions from happening. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) only oversees water from being bottled, but does require bottlers to regularly test for contaminates (Jemmott). The FDA considers bottled water a low-risk product, so plants may not be inspected each year (Jemmott). Also bottled water in plastic bottles can contain PBC which is found to cause cancer (Bartlett). Overall bottled water can contain chemicals that can severely harm you in the
The reason for millions of people using plastic water bottles is that everyone needs to drink water. However, many people do not know that a plastic bottle can be more harmful than beneficial for the drinker’s health. Refillable water bottles (which may be plastic but are made for refillable use) should be used instead of plastic bottles because they are cheaper, healthier, and better for the Earth.
Plastic water bottles are seen and consumed everywhere. Without knowing the deadly effects that water bottles have on the environment, consumers will keep buying them and contribute to the problem. About 17 million barrels of oil are used each year solely to make water bottles